Los Angeles, California -- Sanctuary LAX Studios, in association with House Of Algos, invites students of the sensual and sadistic arts to apply for the Triskelion Scholarship. Successful applicants will gain admission to a great number of classes in a wide variety of BDSM topics free of charge. The Scholarship, which is sponsored for the 2021 year by DomCon.com, is geared to help the following people in their BDSM journey of discovery and knowledge: lifestyle players, professional or aspiring professional BDSM players, BDSM educators or aspiring educators, university students in programs involving human sexuality or a similar major, professionals in a supportive role to members of the BDSM community such as kink friendly therapists, and others. Successful applicants for the 2021 award will have access to a number of classes presented as part of “The Course” series online hosted by Sanctuary LAX Studios and Sir Ezra. Additionally, 2021 awardees will gain access to classes and events associated with the twice annual conference DomCon (www.DomCon.com), a professional and lifestyle domination convention starting its 18th year. Successful applicants will submit a resume and an 1 page essay on why they are learning about BDSM, what they hope to gain from the scholarship, and why they have a need for assistance. Application materials are due before December 15th, 2020 to HouseOfAlgos@gmail.com. Applicants with questions can use the same email or call or text 737-Sir-Ezra. “I have been working hard to bring quality BDSM education to a wide array of people, I am very excited for the opportunity to bring this education to even more people with the aid of the Triskelion Scholarship!” - Sir Ezra Algos, Sanctuary LAX’s Director of Education. “Mainstream media and the internet has made it much more accessible for people to get introduced to BDSM and the kink lifestyle” explains Mistress Cyan St. James, Headmistress at Sanctuary LAX Studios. “The Course is a series of classes that teach more than just what we do in BDSM, it teaches how and why we do it and in a way that people can understand. The Triskelion Scholarships makes it possible for even people on limited income to get the education they need to safely practice the art.”
Sanctuary LAX Studios (www.SanctuaryLAX.com) is a prominent professional dungeon in the Los Angeles, California area, led by Mistress Cyan St. James. The House of Algos (Houseofalgos.com) is a BDSM household focusing on education and personal development led by Sir Ezra.

### MEDIA CONTACT: Sir Ezra / 737-747-3972 / HouseOfAlgos@gmail.com / Twitter: @HouseOfAlgos / Instagram: @HouseOfAlgos